Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My Heart: A Hatching Egg!

In an attempt to erased all hope of someone mistakenly believing in my sanity, I will pour a little of my heart out, again! (But to my defence, the image of eggs is not far from spring and Easter!)
I never knew joy felt this amazingly similar to pain! It burns!
I feel as if my heart was an egg and for forty days and then suddenly a singling little chick came out. It was sitting under the warmth of books and under efforts of abstinence (I miserably failed at that!!) and this week, it hatched, it burst! I did feel the time. I was waiting for that first air of Resurrection to be breathed and heard and now I can't stop dancing, singing, smelling! I was waiting for the wine to be served and now I am drunk under the shining sun! Nature is more beautiful now. Everything seems to have gained honour and value! Everything is purer!! I am discovering  again the ever ancient discovery of the loveliness of friends! The splendour of human beings that come from the Splendour of His image! The splendour of Him who won the battle. The splendour of the Victorious king! 
The Risen Christ!
I have my tears mixed with my laughs! It is unfathomable and yet so real! It is indescribable yet so clear! It everlasting. It is why I live and why I will die for. 
I want to continue but I feel words are ruining it so I will leave it as it is, but know that it cannot fill the universe if it was to be written down as a whole!
Happy Easter!

Ps. What adds to the delight of today that it's my beloved papa's birthday!

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